
127 Total depositors registered

1,345,386 Total accessions registered

This list includes depositors with seed samples shipped for safe storage at Svalbard Global Seed Vault.

Click the column titles to sort the order of the list.

Depositor Institute Institute acronym Institute code Seed samples Number of taxa
Africa Rice Center AfricaRice CIV033 22,381 13
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas CSIC ESP004 1,187 140
Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Research Centre ARC SDN002 4,727 31
Agricultural Research Institute of Burundi ISABU BDI003 1,933 34
Agricultural University of Georgia AUG GEO028 120 2
Agroscope Changins Agroscope Changins CHE001 11,321 74
Ahmadu Bello University ABU NGA021 406 3
Anne van Dijk Rice Research Centre Nickerie ADRON SUR007 577 1
Armenian State Agrarian University, Laboratory of plant gene pool and breeding LPGPB ARM035 175 22
Australian Grains Genebank AGG AUS165 27,152 265
Australian Pastures Genebank APG AUS167 34,735 1,193
Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety AGES AUT001 2,358 392
Baekdudaegan National Arboretum BDNA KOR048 10 10
Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee BRAC BGD099 725 35
Barley and Wild Plant Resources Center, National University Corporation Okayama University BWPRC JPN009 5,922 1
Biodiversity Education and Resource Centre BERC NGA136 362 16
Biotechnology, Plant Genetic Resources and Plant Protection Division MPGRPPD MMR003 718 11
Borneo Institute BIT IDN415 294 4
Botanical Garden, University of Bonn ABGBONN DEU038 12 8
Centre for Genetic Resources CGN NLD037 22,445 415
Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge METK EST019 236 48
Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza CATIE CRI001 2,414 53
Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical CIAT COL003 58,406 718
Centro Internacional de la Papa CIP PER001 9,931 458
Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo CIMMYT MEX002 187,083 68
Chai Nat Field Crops Research Center CN FCRC THA214 150 3
Cherokee Nation CN USA1005 9 3
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research – Plant Genetic Resources Research Institute CSIR - PGRRI GHA091 420 10
Crop Research Institute CRI CZE122 1,982 253
Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development DAFF IRL029 435 58
Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation DOAGB THA032 55 16
Desert Legume Program DELEP USA971 134 94
Directorate of Seed Testing and Certification IRQ001 418 23
Ecogerm Farmers EGF CMR205 990 11
Fabia CSB Bogdanci FABIA MKD007 341 25
Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciencies, University of Sarajevo PPF BIH036 252 15
Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants - Institute of Fruit Breeding JKI DEU451 19 7
Genetic Resources Institute of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences AGRI AZE015 1,522 110
Genetic Resources Institute, University of Banjaluka GRIBL BIH039 1,148 147
Groupe de Recherche, Innovation agricole, Gestion de la biodiversité et Action pour un développement Durable et Equitable à la Base GRIGADEB BEN098 1,203 14
I. Lamouri Research Institute of Farming TAVTAVI GEO001 305 66
Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research and Biotechnology ICABIOGRAD IDN179 1,050 2
Institut d'Economie Rurale IER MLI002 4,136 10
Institut National de la recherche Agronomique INRA MAROC MAR123 983 46
Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin INRAB BEN025 381 4
Institut Tchadien de Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement ITRAD TCD022 1,145 16
Institute for Plant Genetic Resources K. Malkov IPGRBG BGR001 2,119 94
Institute of Biosciences and BioResources - National Research Council IBBR ITA436 592 12
Institute of Creal Crop Improvement, Tel Aviv University ICCI ISR003 941 21
Institute of Environment and Agricultural Research INERA BFA057 1,040 1